Tuesday, January 18, 2011

content of coffee

dominated by crystalline xanthine alkaloid compound that has a bitter taste sensation. Is Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, German chemist, who identified this compound in 1819. He gave the name of caffeine to a compound that works like psychoactive stimulant drug and a diuretic that.
If referring to the history of the discovery of coffee, it can be understood why the pastoralists of Ethiopia and his goats that ate coffee suddenly show strange attraction of energetic and joyous movement. Therefore, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, bringing the sensation of fresh, energetic, and eliminate sleepiness for a while.
Coffee has become the world's main source of caffeine since the Stone Age. At that time, coffee is consumed by chewing raw, good seeds, leaves, bark, and twigs. Ancient man believed able to drive tired of coffee plants, stimulate awareness, and improve mood.
A type of coffee plant is estimated to have been known to Chinese civilization during Shénnóng Emperor (3000 BC). Written in Cha Jing, Lu Yu's literary works about plants is brewed with boiling water and flavored beverage used as a fragrance, has efficacy restore power.
Malaye Jaziri, Persian scientist, in 1587, wrote "Undat al Safwa fi al-Qahwa Hill" about the controversy drink coffee. In the literature, Jaziri tells the story of the mufti of Aden, Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Dhabhani, who drank coffee and stayed up all night to pray.
Content of Caffeine in Coffee
Coffee has caffeine content varies. Levels are influenced by the type of coffee bean, processing, and the way they are presented. The world knows several types of the coffee varieties with higher levels of caffeine are different. Arabica coffee for example, has an average content of 40-100 mg of caffeine in one cup of coffee. This amount is slightly smaller than Robusta coffee.
The following comparison of caffeine content in some types of coffee drinks.
1. Instant coffee: 2.8 - 5.0%.
2. Coffee mocha: 1.00%.
3. Robusta coffee: 1.48%.
4. Arabica coffee: 1.10%.
Processing of coffee beans affects the caffeine content. This is evident in the type of dark-roast coffee that is processed with the method of roasting. Roasting caused a lot of the damaged compound caffeine so that the lower caffeine content than other types of coffee.
Before consumption, coffee beans through a series of processing stages.
  1. Drying to separate the beans from their shells. Drying is done with the help of direct sunlight or with the oven. The process is pretty much eliminate the caffeine content of coffee.
  2. Wash beans and a short fermentation process.
  3. Roasting to enhance the taste of coffee. This process is also pretty much eliminates the caffeine content of coffee.
  4. Milling for effectiveness during extraction.
  5. Poaching is a step in processing coffee lid. The process requires a good composition of coffee beans and water, particle size, temperature of water used, methods, and the boiling time.
  6. Dekafeinasi is additional processing if desired reduction in caffeine content. Usually, done by dissolving the compound caffeine in methylene chloride and ethyl acetate.
Function Caffeine
Caffeine in the body contribute to improving psychomotor work. Caffeine gives the effect of fresh flavor and increased energy. In a review of chemical, caffeine-containing molecule metabolites namely 1-3-7-acid trimetilurat, paraksantina, teofillina and Theobromine.

This molecule has the ability to bind to adenosine receptors, nucleotides in the brain that respond to feeling tired. That is why caffeine can relieve fatigue.
The next impact is increased brain activity and the release of the hormone epinephrine. The hormone epinephrine can increase heart action, increase blood pressure monitor, blood circulation, and release of glucose from the liver. Interestingly, the brain is capable of removing the caffeine quickly, unlike alcohol which is difficult regardless that it interferes with mental function.
Earlier, many thought that coffee (caffeine) have a negative effect of the risk of cancer, diabetes mellitus, insomnia, and heart disease. However, scientific research would indicate otherwise.
Caffeine content of coffee contains antioxidant compounds in considerable amounts and can suppress the growth of cancer cells, reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus, and increased sensitivity to insulin. Coffee was also shown to prevent heart attack risk.
Do not Overstated
Despite the many benefits of caffeine to the body, we should limit consumption of coffee in a safe area. Therefore, an exaggeration must have unfavorable effects. Medical research determining the safety limit caffeine intake is 100-150 mg per day.
Consumption that exceeds the normal threshold can cause caffeine intoxication, a kind of drunk caffeine. Symptoms are seen in cases like this is the emergence of a sense of restless, worried, insomnia, and frequent urination.
In more serious cases, caffeine intoxication can cause muscle spasms, tangled thoughts, panic, impaired heart rate, and psychomotor turmoil. Thus, make sure you are in an area safely consume coffee.

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