Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Luwak coffee history

coffee drink is a drink derived from plant seeds called coffee, to make coffee beans must be roasted, and then in the puree. Coffee is one of the world's most popular beverage, if the ranking according to the level of consumption of coffee was ranked second only to water, about two million people every day drinking coffee. maybe you have the name of arabica coffee, coffee, java, etc., that are all types of coffee varieties that had been found intentionally or unintentionally. image mongoose, civet coffee
in Indonesia the country which we love also has a coffee varieties are pretty, are coffee sumatra, sulawesi coffee and Luwak coffee. for coffee and coffee sumatra sulawesi'll be able to predict why you called the Sumatran and Sulawesi, of course, because this coffee come from two areas. nah while Luwak coffee how? What also comes from civet? hehehehe
Civet coffee is one of the strangest coffee varieties in the world, coffee is generally harvested first and then seeds are picked when ripe, but the civet coffee is very different. Coffee beans are left falling, then release the animal farmer or a type of mongoose mongoose and civet civet let's eat beans that fell earlier, and then they waited for the animal mongoose or weasel that remove dirt, the coffee beans that come out in conjunction with weasel or mongoose dirt that will processed again to drink coffee, which dinamanakan with civet coffee (Civet Coffee). researchers in Canada have shown that the protein content found in the stomach of the civet coffee made more perfect ferment and mature. so taste it produces even more delicious than the other coffees. So in short terms civet coffee is one type of coffee from coffee beans that have been eaten by animals or animal mongoose and a type of civet coffee beans were issued again in conjunction with the civet droppings.
it seems so menjijinkan, imagine that civet coffee is coffee that comes out along with dirt mongoose ... but even though this seems so disgusting coffee is very nice you know .. Sudak Luwak coffee into the coffee list of the most enjoyable and sought after, the coffee comes from Indonesia is also famous around the world. world market price of about $ 50 U.S. a cup of coffee mongoose, if $ 1 is Rp us. 10 000 then the price is USD. 500.000,

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